Extra space move

Use Storo as extra storage space for your move

Are you planning to move or are you going abroad for a longer period of time? Both situations raise the question 'where do I keep my things?' on.

Click here to go to the overview of the storage areas.


Has your house already been sold, but you are not yet able to move into your new home? Then you may have wondered where to keep your furniture and belongings.
It is also possible that your landlord has already found a new tenant, but you have not yet found a new home.
You can possibly stay with friends or family for a while, but taking all your furniture with you is a bit more difficult.

Temporary storage

That is why you should look for a temporary storage place where you can easily store your things. What is also very important is where your belongings are kept and whether they are stored safely and dry. You may not be there for several months, or a few times a week, so your things should be stored in a well-located location.
In short, they should be stored close to home and in a secure manner. Storo can help you with this. But what exactly is a self-storage storage space?

A self-storage storage space is a closed space that you can rent for a certain period. You can then store things in it. A self-storage space is secured, heated, insured...
Here your goods are stored under optimal conditions.

Not sure how much m² you need? No problem! With our handy space calculator you can easily determine how much extra space you need!


Our units

Choose a location:

  • Groot-Bijgaarden, Alfons Gossetlaan 34

Last available!

4 m²

€ 117

/ month
Check this unit
Check this unit

First month rent = €1

Last available!

5 m²

€ 139

/ month
Check this unit
Check this unit

First month rent = €1


6 m²

€ 159

/ month
Check this unit
Check this unit

First month rent = €1


8 m²

€ 199

/ month
Check this unit
Check this unit

First month rent = €1


9 m²

€ 219

/ month
Check this unit
Check this unit

First month rent = €1


10 m²

€ 237

/ month
Check this unit
Check this unit

First month rent = €1


12 m²

€ 273

/ month
Check this unit
Check this unit

First month rent = €1

Ideal for your move!

15 m²

€ 324

/ month
Check this unit
Check this unit

First month rent = €1


20 m²

€ 405

/ month

€ 334 excl. VAT

Check this unit
Check this unit

First month rent = €1

Perfect for your company!

30 m²

€ 553

/ month

€ 457 excl. VAT

Check this unit
Check this unit

First month rent = €1



Reserve your space

Rent your storage space online   or make an appointment to come by!


Gather your supplies

Structure your belongings and load them neatly in the car. You can buy our handy moving boxes while reserving your storage space!


Instant access

After your contract has been signed, you have immediate access to your storage space via a personal access code or an application on your phone.

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